The Garden Underlying the Chaos
Do you remember when Toad planted a garden? Frog tried to encourage him to be patient. He tried to distract Toad. But Toad shouted at the seeds, “Seeds start growing!”

It’s silly. But let’s take a breath.
Yes, the world is changing. Our country is changing. People are doing things that were unthinkable six months ago. We don’t know how to respond. Our systems may be breaking down.
But under all this is new life. A seed opens and pushes through the earth both upward and downward to become the seedling and then the plant it is meant to be. What miraculous power! A power we cannot see. We don’t see a thing and it’s hard to believe in the plant until the sprout pops out of the ground.
Most of us are not running around in circles tearing our hair out in reaction to the changes we perceive, but are we sitting by the garden screaming at the seeds to grow?
Let’s take another breath.
What do you believe about the world? What is the basic nature of the world we live in? Is it a harsh place full of dangers and traps? Or is it a kind place, meant for us to enjoy?
I grew up believing in the former. I had to be on the lookout for devilish tricks that might damn my soul for eternity.
It took me a long time to adopt a different view. To be able to see that the universe is unfolding for us, not against us. It took me a long time to be able to conceive of a world where it’s not only OK, but it is our birthright to feel good about ourselves and each other.
From this place, however, I can believe in the goodness of the universe. I can believe that there are forces I cannot yet perceive that are acting towards Life, towards Peace, towards Love. I can acknowledge that underneath the seeming chaos, or negativity, or cruelty, there are forces at play creating new life. For us. For all of us.
Can you believe in a world like this? Even for just a few seconds?
The world of Ordinary Reality is full of contradictions and distortions. The world that underlies Ordinary Reality is pure, simple, peaceful, and loving.
Can we turn our attention to that underlying world? The one as it is meant to be for everyone? Can we let go of the distrust of ourselves and each other?
We can look for evidence that might convince us of the reality of that loving world. For example, everyone these days is quoting Fred Rogers’ mother, that we should look for the helpers. This is a solid piece of advice because it turns our attention away from the chaos and destruction and points us toward the underlying world of pure awareness and lovingkindness.
Have you felt an urge to be kind to yourself or others in the face of the chaos? Have you responded to some of the reported tragedies with giving or prayer? Then you are one of the helpers. You are pointing your attention to the world where the eternal aspects of ourselves live and your attention acts like fertilizer, providing nourishment for that world to grow. You are being patient as Life and Love find their way to the surface where, like little sprouts, we will finally see them and know that they are actual and true.