Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me… (Vince Gill)
Peace on Earth begins with Inner Peace. Our Inner Peace will change the way we perceive the world, the way we respond to the world, and the way the world treats us.
So, let’s take this opportunity to find some Inner Peace together.
First, put down your to-do list. If you have to write it down so that you feel comfortable, do that now. Then, literally, put it aside. Put it out of your mind and bring yourself into the present moment.
Find your breath and bring yourself into your body. Be with your body no matter what condition you believe it to be in. Let go of the stories you carry about your joints, or your belly fat, or your hairline, or this organ, or that organ. Use this moment to let go of the tension of worrying about your body. It takes a LOT of energy to hold onto your old, habitual stories. Let yourself rest for a moment. Dare to stop being sick just for this right now minute.
Allow yourself to put down the judgments you hold about your body. Stop straining to be thinner, or fatter, or younger, or stronger. Just be you. In this moment your body is good enough—if you let it be. It is breathing, digesting, repairing, renewing, and releasing. All without a conscious thought from you. Give your body the space to do what it does best—being alive.
Let the waves of your breath gently guide your emotions. Feel them rising and falling. There is no need to hold onto any of that energy just as there is no need to hold onto the carbon dioxide your body naturally expels through the breath. There is no need to repeat old stories about why you feel what you feel. The stories take up energy and hold you apart from your vibrant emotional nature.
Take this moment to let your mind go quiet. Stop trying to think the right thoughts. Stop trying to align with the “right” vibration. Stop trying to be good or to be worthy. Take a break from analysis and evaluation. Take a break from trying to find the “right” way to do anything. Acknowledge your brain for its efforts in keeping it all together, then step away from it. You don’t need to think anything right now.
Let the thoughts you habitually think about others melt away. Take yourself out of the business of judging. Imagine for a brief moment, that no one needs you to tell them how to do things. Imagine that everyone has an innate wisdom, that the entire planetary system has an innate wisdom. Feel your awareness expand into that field of wisdom. You can relax. That Wisdom has a much more complete perception than you can have and it knows what it is doing.
In body, mind, and soul, enjoy a few seconds where you can release the thorny lash you have been chasing yourself around with. Allow yourself to fully engage with this very moment. Your lungs are interacting with the air around you. Your skin is dancing with the light. Your highest self is joyfully co-creating a world you can perceive with your miraculous senses. When you have put down enough of your ordinary concerns to be able to feel into this activity of co-creating, you have found a measure of Inner Peace.
Try to refrain from having any other agenda for finding peace within yourself. It is enough to find it, to hold it for a few seconds. Let yourself enjoy it. You don’t need to send it to anyone. The moment you turn your attention to trying to change the world with your Inner Peace, you have stepped back into the ordinary world with all its limiting stories and distortions. Let the Peace itself find its way without you trying to direct it or control it.
Instead, focus on your practice of finding peace within yourself. Expand your capacity to find and feel it. Expand your willingness to enjoy it. Expand your feeling of being worthy of it. Expand your sense that deep Inner Peace is your most authentic nature.
Peace on Earth begins with Inner Peace. Our Inner Peace will change the way we perceive the world, the way we respond to the world, and the way the world treats us—if we let it.