I was feeling impatient about…well…probably about a lot of things this week. When I sat with my journal, this is what came to me. I’ve left it pretty much unedited because I like the way it feels just as it is.
The more patient you get, the more energy flows in patterns that please you. Patience is not about time. Patience is about peace. Patience is the self-loving act of putting aside drama, being observant, and centering yourself.
Impatience does not feel good. It is close to anxiety in how it feels. Even the kind of impatience that might be called eager anticipation does not feel as good as patience.
Patience is the putting aside of resistance and judgment. It is an attribute of faith. It arises out of a deep level of self-trust—a remembrance of who and what you are and what the world was intended to be for you.
When you settle into patience, you settle into harmony with the world around you. You settle into acceptance of what is. You agree to embrace your experience without judgment at least for a few minutes. You settle into not merely tolerating your circumstances, but enjoying them, recognizing their value, breathing into their fullness. You stop time. You stop the world for a few seconds and align yourself with the Infinite.
You don’t have patience. You settle into patience. Everyone can do this if they choose. It is the insistence on perceiving a particular outcome that pulls you away from patience. It is the fear that nothing will change that shatters patience. Rest assured. Energy moves all the time. Your impatience and judgment are the mechanisms that inhibit the flow of energy’s creative capacities. The more patience you practice, the more creative and rich your life will be. This is automatic and does not require you to perform in any particular way.
To find patience, relax and feel the beauty of this moment. This breath. Stop and observe yourself, all your amazing complexity, all your blessed history, all your rich desires and ambitions. Observe without telling any elaborate stories or judging any part of yourself. Gently draw your thoughts away from your desires and re-focus on the moment at hand. When you are quiet, you are being patient.
I hope you get as much out of this as I did.