Try to forget everything you think you know about Personal Power. What you think about powerful people. What you imagine about powerful positions. What power is and where it comes from. How power can be used or abused.
Let’s instead, talk about real power. Authentic Power.
Authentic Power is the kind of personal power that unfailingly works to achieve results and is fully integrated with the energies of creativity, interconnectedness, and heart.
Real power is never about force, manipulation, or control. Authentic Personal Power does not arise from the ability to wield resources, control conditions, or impose a perspective. Authentic Power is influential, not because it is aggressive, but because it is magnetic. It is not a quality you can cultivate with the will because it exists beyond the capacity of the ordinary will.
The way we usually think about power, in Ordinary Reality is as a quality of the Success Operating System. The Power we are addressing here--Authentic Power--is a quality of the Fulfillment Operating System. The Fulfillment OS is our access point to Non-Ordinary Reality. Non-Ordinary Reality offers us an opening to tap into the power that creates our Universe and the Life Force that animates our planetary system. Now, that is power!
To tap into this enormous resource of power we have to maintain a mindset of lovingkindness that is in harmony with the overall vibration of creation. We have to develop our self-awareness to the point that we understand our intimate integration with the Life Force of the planet We must fully open our hearts and embrace I Love Us energy in our interpersonal lives.
We can look around our society and our history to see the ways in which power that is not tempered by love and a sense of connection results in distortion and disharmony. Fortunately, no one can reach full alignment with Authentic Power if they are not in balance with the creative, loving, and interconnected nature of the Universe. Such people can seem—for a while—to be mighty but they always fall in the end and their actions may seem insane to those whose hearts are more integrated into their perceptions. No one--and no culture--can sustain a huge imbalance for long.
When personal power is not influenced by love, it will be harsh and dictatorial. When it does not realize its interconnectedness, it will be bullying and thoughtless. When it is not grounded in creativity, it will become rigid and regressive .The balance of Authentic Power is indicative of an energetic balance of the Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart Chakras.
We cannot force our way to Authentic Power. We must learn to open to it and allow it. The power that creates worlds will flow through us and our activities when we learn to align our minds and hearts with it. It is that simple. In order to open to the flow of Power, we have to minimize the influence of the ego, the Survival and Success Operating Systems, and the Ordinary Mind.
Everyone is born with an inner drive to find this Power. This is why we are intrigued by stories of people who overcome great odds and accomplish great feats. Our drive to be powerful often gets distorted by the influence of Ordinary Reality conventions which place more emphasis on the results of power than on the process of accessing it.
Yet, every one of us, every single day, accesses at least a corner of this power without being aware of it. Everything we do requires the energy of Personal Power in the form of Life Force. Our human bodies and psyches use energy to move through the world. We use energy to digest our food, heal our bodies, accomplish our list of chores, achieve our objectives, interact with other people, (and plants, animals, and the earth itself) and to create new products, new ideas, and new artistic expressions. We require Personal Power to make changes in our lives, to improve our relationships, to learn new skills, and to transcend the ordinary.
Authentic Power will always be stronger than conventional ideas of power. It is patient and never aggressive—though it stands powerfully for its values. It demonstrates effective, assertive communication skills, including deep listening. It is confident in its authority while also being open to creative ideas and others’ points of view. It values loving connection with others--and with the Earth--and finds ways to collaborate in joy and creativity, rather than through competition.
To deepen your experience of Authentic Power, practice feeling into your body, just below your rib cage. This is the area of the Solar Plexus chakra—your seat of fire, power, and enthusiasm. Imagine a powerful magnet in the center of your body pulling your thoughts, your feelings and your energies into an orderly pattern. Keep your body relaxed. Your energy system works best when there is little to no tension in the body. Feel yourself sitting up a bit taller, breathing a bit deeper as power flows through your systems.
Remember, when you are faced with challenges or when you start fearing the apparent power of others, to stop and find that magnet. You are not helpless and you are not alone. You are as powerful as you allow yourself to become, and you are backed by a force of infinite love.